Univ. of Texas at Dallas 2010 - 2014
Advisor: Dr. Latifur Khan
Emphasis: Stream data mining with novel class detection/tracking
Dissertation: SLUICEBOX: Semi-supervised Learning for Label Prediction with Concept Evolution and Tracking in Non-Stationary Data Streams
o Machine Learning
o Database Design
o Performance of Systems and Networks
Univ. of North Texas 2003 - 2007
Advisor: Dr. Armin Mikler
Emphasis: Distributed computing (HPCC and Grid), and Information Assurance
Thesis: CLUE: CLUster Evaluation Tool - Automated multi-attribute benchmarking of high-performance compute clusters
Univ. of North Texas 1999 - 2003
o Mathematics
o Technical Writing
Currently the Chief/Enterprise Architect on a multi-million dollar project to transition a legacy program of record to a fully distributed collaborative fusion and automation network using cloud native and edge computing technology. Previously a core Internal Research and Development software lead, which led to a multi-million dollar Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) and follow on effort to perform rapid stream analytics and resource optimization recommendations.
System administrator and part of the DevOps team for SurfAid Analytics (now part of IBM Coremetrics) - a web analytics platform providing high traffic websites with key insight, trending, and other analysis. In addition to writing quick DevOps scripts, I also also maintained the large (think VLDB) data backup and archive posture with a Tivoli tape library enclosure.
Pre-career jobs included an internship with Verizon Online's Application Development Group, a summer research assistant position at UT Houston performing R data analytics for eye disease/conditions, computer support technician for the UNT College of Arts and Science faculty and staff, and even a summer job on an assembly line building Compaq (how HP) server chassis. In all, I have worked on nearly every aspect of a computer in some form.
As evident in my dissertation, my core academic work has focused on rapid stream data mining, particularly on non-stationary and evolving data feeds. The niche is to find, fix, and track emergent concept classes in the data stream, while still maintaining label classification of known concept classes, even as the feature space drifts over time.
Given success in sense-making from dynamic data streams (and especially with emergent and drifting concept classes), providing predictive and prescriptive analytics to ensure that additional measure can be taken given the changing situational state estimates. For instance, prioritizing data collection streams or taking defensive action in the case of a cyber attack.
Classic machine learning approaches have well defined measures for accuracy, including ROC-AUC, F1 measures, and more. However, when the system entails heterogeneous interactive types, then evaluating the performance envelope and performing system validation becomes more challenging. Particularly for Test Driven Development (TDD), the creation of measures of performance (MoP) and the test harness for evaluation is critical.
ISO/IEEE 12207 Software Lifecycle and Agile (scrum) and Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) experience.
Java including Apache Common, Google Guava, Weka, JAXB, Junit, Netty, Akka, Spark, WorldWind, ActiveMQ, Camel, Log4J
C/C++ including C++17, MSVC, GCC, Boost, DLib, Qt, Apache Portable Runtime (APR), GDAL
Other: Python, Javascript, Perl, R, Netlogo, Awk, Bash
CI/CD Tools:
Git, Jenkins, Maven, CMake, JIRA.
Data acquisition, transformation, and simulation/ digital modeling
Test Driven development of models (MoP/MoE)
ELK Stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana)
INCOSE/IEEE 29148 formal requirements and IEEE 42010/DoDAF architecture, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
Rational DOORS Next-Gen (DNG)
Sparx Enterprise Architect
Cameo Enterprise Architect
• Certified Scrummaster (CID 000955256)
• Certified Scrum Product Owner (CID 000955256)
• Amateur radio license (KD5ZIU)
• CNSS 4011 - NSA Certification for Information Security Professionals
• CNSS 4013 - NSA Certification for Secure System Administration
• Technical Writing Certification
• Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) 2009 - present
• IEEE Computer Society 2005 - present
• IEEE Computational Intelligence Society 2012 - present
• L3Harris Over and Beyond Award (2020)
• L3Harris Achievement Award (2011,2013-2019)
• L3Harris Tribute to Excellence Leadership Award (2018)
• L3Harris Tribute to Excellence Outstanding Engineer Award (2015)
• Eagle Scout
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